The perfect product details page

The perfect product details page

Product pages with enriched content, saw a conversion from viewers to leads increase by 26% (Source: Neil Patel).

It matters.

Product details pages need to be fast to load, informative and content rich. They are usually dynamically created and need to include good metadata, supplementary enriched metadata and a well laid out interface to comply with the standard accessibility guidelines and to maximise user engagement. The Amazon algorithm focuses on keywords whereas the Google algorithm focuses more on the content within a page and so the importance of the product details page on SEO can not be overstated.

Good metadata – whether using ONIX or other data sets, you need to include complete title information; title, short and long descriptions, multiple formats, pricing, jacket images, ISBN, authors and contributors, and a good list of subject categories. We recommend you are creative and include a wide range of keywords and subject categories including smaller categories - to increase your chances of being found.

Supplementary data – enriching these pages with supplementary information which can be edited at any time after publication is essential for converting sales. Content such as author bios, author events, reading guides, teaching guides, samplers and previews, videos and podcasts, related content, social channels and links to retail outlets. A good sampler product will enable you to measure engagement and sales statistics.

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